Breakups | Self Love | Mental Health

How To Attract Sexy Vibes

My Last Break Up Changed Me!

Juan Felizz


A few months ago, I went through my first genuine breakup. I consider it “genuine” since it was the longest relationship I’ve ever been in.

Sh*t gets real when you get dumped. Especially, if you’ve spent almost every day together with your partner for the last four years.

I’m a guy, so it is obvious to say that the first week I was thrilled to be single once again. I had no clue what I had gotten myself into.

Suddenly, the stages of grief appeared.

If you are not familiar, the five stages of grief consist of:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

They refer to the emotions people feel when experiencing deep sorrow.

I never truly believed they could be experienced by someone. I used to think it was just an absurd made-up concept by psychologists. Then, I started reading about this strange process and stumbled upon an article in Psychology Today which made me think.

F*ck. They were being serious.

I will not bore you with my breakup story.

— Recap.

I was stuck in the depression stage for quite a while. I started doing drugs and was nearly addicted to alcohol for some time. After realizing this was leading me nowhere, I reached out to people who I thought could help me and they did.

Friends and family are great company when going through a breakup.

I believe grief must be experienced. You need time to recover after you’ve lost something important to you. Your lowest point must be reached before you can start climbing towards joy.

Breaking Up Isn’t Sexy, But You Know What Is?

If you are newly single and you are not feeling sexy, what the hell are you doing?

— Get your head in the game.

Rejoining the single lifestyle is amazing once you get past the dark side of grief. You get to be part of a world where you decide how to spend your time and energy.

If you’ve ever wanted to start a side hustle, this is the time.

If you’ve ever wanted to make new friends, this is the time.

If you’ve ever wanted to do anything at all, this is the time.

You have been offered an opportunity to view the world from a different perspective.

— So, why not make the most out of it?

How To Feel Sexy All The F****** Time

Rocking a fit body or being good looking has nothing to do with this. Being easy on the eyes may give you some leverage, but feeling sexy is all about mindset.

I’m talking about the real kind of sexy. The type that attracts optimistic souls and positive energy. This is the attitude you want to have after a breakup.

The time has come for you to be the one to love and embrace yourself. You are your new partner now. As cheesy as it may sound, you are your best friend and will have to spend the rest of your life with yourself.

— So, why not make your best friend feel sexy?

If You Must Ask How You May Never Know The Answer

I will give you some simple ideas.

  • Start that podcast, blog, Youtube, Instagram, or any other social media activity you have been thinking of. 2020 is the best time ever to do so.
  • Start working on the ideas you have on your mind. Business or pleasure, it doesn’t matter. Just get to work.
  • Start grooming your life. That may consist of a healthy diet, exercise, or a new hair cut. Make yourself believe you still got it.
  • Start changing your attitude. I know the universe might have smothered you in the past, but it’s time to make it your b*tch.

— Tweak these ideas to your needs.

Sexy Vibes Will Make An Appearance

If you start working on the things that are important to you, progress will be made. You will most likely attract the right people if you have the right mindset.

Learning to enjoy your own company will give you a new set of eyes to view the world.

Meeting new people is inevitable once you go out and experience the world with a positive attitude. You never know what opportunities might come along with those new encounters.

— So, don’t let them slip away.

Last But Not Least

Do not rush yourself back into dating. This is key. Make sure you can love and enjoy yourself first.

Shape your ideas into reality. Ideas are nothing unless you start working on them.

Hi, I’m John. Junior doctor with a dream of one day having a catchphrase.

Follow me on Instagram :)



Juan Felizz

Junior Doctor | Looking for the write way to right | Follow me on Instagram :)